
Too see a broader selection of my animations, please visit my Vimeo page.

Evening Escapades

Darcy Tara McDiarmid & Chantal Rousseau, 2024

An adventurous rabbit undertakes an enchanted evening escapade through a mysterious forest trail. The rabbit encounters dreaming wolves, and other mischievous animals as he navigates a midnight mushroom garden.

Evening Escapades is a combination of animated elements and Super 8 footage that was shot in and around Ddhäl Ch’èl Cha Nän / Tombstone Territorial Park in Tr’ondëk Hwëtch’in territory in the Yukon, and then processed with plants harvested from the land.

This film was commissioned for the 25th Anniversary of the Dawson City International Short Film Festival.

For distribution questions, please contact VideoPool.

Starlight Sojourn

Darcy Tara McDiarmid & Chantal Rousseau, 2023

Created from watercolours, fluid acrylic paintings, and digital imagery, this animation features local fish, birds, and animals traversing a dreamlike night-time landscape in the Yukon.

For distribution questions, please contact VideoPool.

Willow Ptarmigan

Chantal Rousseau, 2024

Ravens at Quigley Landfill

Chantal Rousseau, 2024